
IMPORTANT information regarding recertification of SFI 15 & 20 Rated Driver Suits

The recertification process is an elective procedure and is not guaranteed. Unlike Impact Racing, some manufacturers do not offer the service. It is important to note, there is no obligation by the manufacturer to offer the service. 5 years is considered by most manufacturers as more than fair and equitable use for any piece of safety equipment. Since the recertification process can allow up to 10 years of use, there is exceptional value in your Impact Racing SFI 15/20 suit.

Products covered: Driving suits manufactured by Impact with an SFI rating of 3.2 A/15 or 3.2 A/20, manufactured on or after January 1st, 2012, that have not already been recertified.

Suits will be inspected for eligibility of SFI recertification. Upon inspection if the suit is found to be eligible for SFI certification, it will be recertified and dated. If the suit is inspected and is not eligible for recertification, the suit will be rejected and the customer will be contacted with a full explanation of why the suit is not eligible for recertification.

Some possible, but not limited to, reasons a suit may not be eligible for recertification…

• Tears and/or separated seams.

• Contamination by flammable, unknown or any substance that may inhibit the suits ability to provide adequate protection.

• Improperly working closures, such as zippers or worn hook and loop fasteners.

• Knitted cuffs that are stretched excessively as to compromise a tight fitting seal and allow an entry point for heat, flame or flammable materials.

• Burn marks - Any suit found to have evidence of being involved in a fire will automatically be rejected and will not be eligible for recertification.

• Unauthorized modifications – Any suit that is found to have modifications not performed by Impact will be automatically rejected and not eligible for recertification.

• Too Old. Suits manufactured prior to January 1st, 2012 are not eligible for recertification. Nomex has a working life and degrades in performance over time. 10 years is the maximum safe working life for Nomex suits. Off the shelf suits that are too old can be identified by a lightning bolt, or MasterCraft Safety Button logo being embroidered onto the suit. These suits also typically have white piping on the suit. Custom suits may or may not have the lightning bolts and/or white piping. However, a lack of the lightning bolt logo and white piping is not a guarantee that the suit is not 10 years old.

• Any suit that has already been recertified. Suits that have already been re-certified, are not eligible for recertification as they are too old (see above).

In some instances, a repair may be available that will allow the suit to be recertified. If a repair is available to bring the suit up to specification, a quote will be given to the customer, and written customer approval will need to be received prior to any repair work being performed.

Cost of Inspection: $89.95, and includes full inspection of the suit, minor repairs (stitching-only, repairs of less than 1”, limited to 2 repairs per suit) and a new SFI tag with current date when applicable.

Suits must be sent in clean condition. Suits that are soiled/excessively-dirty will be assessed a $50 laundry charge or returned at the customer's option.

The below information and included links were taken direct from the SFI Foundation's website and are offered as an additional resource for Restraint System safety and information:

Here is a downloadable PDF file an article regarding SFI specs, TPP ratings and the importance of a quality driver suit.

And here is information regarding SFI's 3.2A driver suit specification.


We do not "recertify" your restraint systems, but Impact's quality hardware and on-site manufacturing allow us to reweb your Impact Restraint Systems at a substantial savings over buying a new set of belts. Service includes inspection and webbing replacement with a new/current SFI 16.1 certification tag. This service is only available for Impact products, we will not work on other brands of belts. To start this process, please contact our sales department as you will need to get a Return Goods Authorization (RGA) number prior to sending your restraints in. One of our Sales members will provide you the address to ship your restraints to at that time. You can reach them at or by calling (317) 852-3067.

** Please note: SFI Foundation will NOT allow 16.1 certification or rewebbing of Y-Type Shoulders.

**Please note: Belts will be rewebbed to what is received in. If any changes are needed to be made to the belts new belts will need to be purchased.

***Please note: All Belts will be inspected once received at Impact. Belts must pass inspection prior to rewebbing. Some items that can cause belts to be fail inspection, age of the belts (lighting bolt belts my not pass inspection), hardware no longer in working condition (CAM lock sticking, rust on Latch and Link, Shoulder adjusters sticking). Please note if belts don't pass inspection belts will be shipped back or destroyed.

The below information and included links were taken direct from the SFI Foundation's website and are offered as an additional resource for Restraint System safety and information:

Here is a downloadable PDF file an article regarding SFI and motorsports Seat Belts.

And here is SFI's Guide to Seat Belt Installation.